
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Giveaways - Help please!

As you all know and can see from my blog site, that BTW needs a serious facelift, I am new to the world of blogging.  Swatching the nail colours of ASK Cosmetics was a real challenge at first, but I am determined to show you the latest additions to our growing Nailwear line-up over the next few days.  There is a lot of inspiration to be taken from all the bloggers' sites.  Accent nails is a trend I am really drawn to at the moment.  Sorry, I am getting off track here.

When visiting all the various blog sites, I come across all kinds of giveaways, most of which are "follower" giveaways.  These seem to be the most popular by far.

I am very lucky in the sense that I have a company behind me that is generous and loves sharing their products.  But here is my question for you: 

  • Do you personally like taking part in "follower" giveaways, in which the blogger celebrates by/when reaching a certain number of followers?
  • Which products from our line-up would you prefer to win?
  • How long should giveaways run - 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month?

Your feeback and any comments are greatly appreciated, as always. So, let me know your thoughts on the whole giveaway concept.

It is rainy and icy in my neck of the woods - hope you are in the sunshine!   Lisa M.


  1. Oh gee,yeah,I enter giveaways alot.Most of them are follower appreciation giveaways.I usually enter giveaways where the prizes are nail polish only. I think anywhere from 2-3 weeks is a good time frame.

  2. Hi!
    I'm not a huge fan of giveaways as I find it's often a trick to get new followers, so I never really participate in them or plan any... I understand that people want to organize them to thank their faithfull followers, but think that they shouldn't be open to people who sign up just to win free items. I've seen people organize them when they only have 50 followers and a couple of days later they have 250!

    1. @greeneyespinknails - Thanks for the feedback. There is a lot of truth to your comments.

  3. I don't enter giveaways too often because I'm very picky and don't do glitter, crackle polish etc. I don't think its fair of me to try and win something I don't want. I don't do giveaways myself because it seems people sign up just for the free stuff and aren't really reading your blog. But I have done them. I ran them for about 3 wks and they had to be followers and my frequent commenters got extra entries.

    1. @Fingers - Thanks for your comments. Your idea of frequent commenters and bonus entries is unique!

  4. I do love giveaways, winning them but I also love to host them to give back because I have won a ton of them and its so much fun to win one! and I just wanted to do the same thing for somebody. of course more followers is a HUGE plus but I do understand some people are only entering to try and get something for free and I am ok with that, because with those people also comes new real readers. I like to give away polish and nail care items, I run my giveaways for a month because its easier for me to remember.

    1. @Beauxs Mom - Thanks for your reply and feeback to my questions. Much appreciated.

  5. Wow!nice to have a giveaway in ur blog which is especially for nail care.Though I'm interested in nail polishes, I would like to try ur nail care products like nail strengtheners and other stuff. Follower giveaway is the most popular and I have participated in many but never won anything.Its good if it lasts for 2-3 weeks:)

    1. @Shy - Thanks for your reply and input. Our next giveaway will begin soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to be the winner!

  6. I don't enter giveaways very often. Mostly from blogs I already follow anyway. I don't follow blogs just for their giveaways; but every now and then I see an awesome giveaway come by; from a blog I don't know; but which has very good articles/swatches. So yeah; then I keep following those blogs.
    Which items? Nailcare-items ! But that's cause I'm a polish-junkie hehehehe.
    About 2 to 3 weeks is good. Gives the people time to enter the giveaway and not too long to choose a winner.

  7. As a blogger and blog follower, I love giveaways. I think they are good for the blogger and followers. I have only won one but giveaways have attracted me to some great blogs that I keep returning to. Right now I'm on my 2nd giveaway on my blog. Its a 50 follower giveaway and Ive only had about 20 more followers since it started. Sure, you may get a few giveaway trollers but overall you get people who are genuinely interested in nail art. You can set your entries to include followers from other sites but I make the entries be blog followers just because that account is linked to an email address and it makes contacting winners easier without people having to post a lot of info that they may not want to share. I include entries for those following me on FB, Twitter, tweeting or blogging about my giveaway and as soon as I figure out how, Ill also include the people that follow my Pinterest boards too. 2-3 weeks is probably best. I would also add that one or two polishes aren't very attractive as a giveaway. Sets or groups of polishes and nail art stuff look best to me. To be more fair, I'm thinking about giving an extra entry to the 53 followers that were followers when my giveaway started. You can make it more fair and attractive to real followers. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    1. @ Nails Actually - A sincere thank you for your feeback to my questions. You have given me a lot of food for thought on how to stage the next giveaway, which BTW is coming up this week. Thanks a million for taking the time to respond.

  8. love give-aways. I don't always take part, especially if I see an obscene (1,000+) number of others have submitted to win and it takes more work than clicking a button. I think if you do them too often it loses its novelty, but doing it often is still great!

  9. I have been trying to steer away from doing giveaways on my blog simply because I want people to follow me because they like what I post, not because they want to win something. That being said, I do like to enter giveaways!

    I have been thinking of doing a giveaway, but I wouldn't want to do something involving the number of followers, it's just been done too many times before. I personally really like nail art competitions, creative poetry, something that people actually have to work at. I would want to choose a winner based on something more than a random number generator.

    I too am not keen on contests with extended dates. I don't like contests which need you to follow their twitter, facebook, blogger and everything else under the sun to amass 20 votes. I prefer something with a shorter timeline.

    If I was to do a giveaway, I would need to really think on something fun and creative to get people involved and interested.
