
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Nailwear Colour Selection by ASK Cosmetics Inc. - Part 2

Yesterday I showed you my swatches of the first two ASK Cosmetics Nailwear Selection, namely "Oh So Aubergine" and "Classic Peacock".  Today I have the next two new additions to the previous 9 Nailwear shades.  In total I will be featuring 13 nail polish shades that will be part of our giveaway beginning March 1st.

Without further delay, let me introduce the next two......

Now, close your eyes and picture yourself on a secluded beach with a cocktail in hand sitting in the sand relaxing while the sun begins to set. Not a care in the world! Can you imagine any shades of pink in the sunset?


Say hello to "Romantic Sunset".  A lush, yet subtle pink shade that will take you easily from day to night time.  If you are not necessarily the bold pink type of person - this is the shade you will want to have.  Here's how it looks on my nails.....
We have all seen the gorgeous pastel colours that will be the trendy tones for spring/summer 2012.  Do you think this one would fit in well as a pastel for spring?

Moving on, I will get a little more dramatic.  One of my favourite gemstones is a sapphire with its rich blue hue and unique "velvet" luster. Sapphires are among the precious stones most often chosen by royalty for rings, tiaras and necklaces.  Remember Princess Diana's engagement ring?
This is "Rich Sapphire" that definitely requires 2, if not 3 coats for complete full coverage.  The best way to describe this shade to by telling you to imagine the darkest tone of blue - then you've got it.
My camera doesn't take the best shots close up, but I will share this one shot of my thumb to give you a better idea.  It is a very dark shade, but it really does show up blue rather than black.

All the ASK Cosmetics Nailwear are free of the "toxic trio" as well as camphor. They are vegan-friendly and contain 15 ml, as opposed to our other 9 shades that contain 9 ml.

In another post later on next week, I will show you how I get a little fancy with these two.  Something came over me in the process of swatching and I experimented some more with accent nails, bling and glitter.....the whole 9 yards. 

What are your thoughts on the two shades?  Are they okay on their own or would you bling them up a bit?

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!  Til tomorrow - same time, same place.  Lisa M.


  1. Love a good creme, and that pink is right up my alley!

  2. Sapphire looks really opulent. I like how it doesnt look black which often a lot of navy polishes do.

  3. Ohhhh, I really like Rich Sapphire!
